华为Mata20 Pro等Android屏幕常亮/永不熄屏APP:no screen off v 1.16

华为Mata20 Pro没有永不息屏选项了,但有些专用软件是需要一直运行和查看的,用这软件省去手指隔一段时间点一下屏幕的操作了

虽然刚打开no screen off会弹出的界面说只是针对旧手机有用,提示升级,但一直没找到有哪里升级的地方,但运行之后功能正常,不再息屏了。

No Screen Off介绍:

Allows to suspend the automatic screen off.
Then, reactivate it with the previously memorized delay.
Click on the widget to toggle between the two modes.
Changing of the screen off delay remains the same :
Parameters/Display/Screen timeout

To get access to the preference screen, double tap on the application icon or the widget within 2 seconds.


轻轻一点便可实现永不熄屏,再一点恢复原来设 Continue reading "华为Mata20 Pro等Android屏幕常亮/永不熄屏APP:no screen off v 1.16"