一般不轻易使用, 除非是很大的文件(100MB+),可以看到几个软件的内存占比,比Windows任务管理器占用的内存还要小。跟Sublime比整整相关了500多倍的内存(如果你的内存是8MB+的请忽视)。

UVviewsoft LogViewer is a viewer for text log files of unlimited size.
Features include:
Fast scrolling, eats low memory
Supports any file size (4Gb and bigger)
Multitabbed interface
Log auto-refreshing
"Follow tail" mode
Highlighting of lines matching a RegEx
Support for lot of encodings: ANSI, OEM, UTF-8, Unicode LE/BE etc.
File search (both forward and backward)
File printing
Line wrapping, configurable tab size and line spacing
Line numbers (for log beginning)
"Create filtered log" command
Unicode filenames support
and more.
1、导入日志文件,并显示出 Continue reading "Windows日志查看工具:LogView Pro/Plus 下载及打开大文件详解"