Pop:作为一个合格的站长,经常对网站的log日志进行分析是很有必要的,web log explorer网站日志分析工具。
Web Log Explorer日志不仅有蜘蛛访问的日志,而且还有别人访问你网站的日志统计,如301转载、404页面等等,你能通过这个seo工具找到很多有价值的资料。
Web Log Explorer截图
Web Log Explorer is the fastest and most powerful an interactive, desktop-based log analyser for Windows.
This log web analyzer create "multilevel" and cross-linked reports on-the-fly. It allows you to dig as deep into your data as you need to. Simply right-click a row in any report, whether it's a Continue reading "网站log日志分析工具:Web Log Explorer"