

20% Off Godaddy Renewal Coupon 2018

Just try the steps below to get a Godaddy Renewal coupon with 20% discount.

Step 1: Log in to your Godaddy Account and go to Domain Manager. Select your domain and click on “Renew domain ”

Step 2: Select the renewal length as 1 year and click next. Godaddy will add the domain to the cart with standard renewal price.

Step 3: At the bottom of the cart, you will see a Chat Now button to chat with customer support. Click on it and request them a discount in renewing your domain. They will directly apply 20% off on the items in your cart.

Now make payment using Credit card or Paypal. You have to keep in mind that this coupon can only be added by the Godaddy support staff from their end. Once they add this Godaddy renewal coupon, your cart will always show the 20% discounted price.

Another method to get Godaddy renewal discount is to subscribe to Godaddy Discount Domain Club. I know, many of you will raise eyebrows saying : is Godaddy Discount Domain club worth it?

The short answer is “Yes”, only condition is that you have to use the below method and Godaddy discount club coupon to purchase it at cheaper rate.

首先点击页面最顶部或者最底部的地区,将GoDaddy页面的语言 Continue reading "GoDaddy域名续费改线上申请优惠折扣"


收到了 Godaddy 发来的提醒域名续费的邮件,按照正常价格续费的话.com域名要人民币101元一年,比国内的价格都贵。



淘宝搜索 Godaddy,通常续费只要55-60元一年。

但是淘宝续费有个风险,我们需要将 Continue reading "Godaddy域名续费:改币种(印度卢比)获得折扣"



下面是GoDaddy的订单详情:, Inc.

Receipt#: 31331XXX
DATE: 3/16/2011 8:50:00 PM
Customer #: 191XXXX

Billing Information

Label Name:10101-1 .COM Domain Name Renewal - 1 Year (recurring)
Unit Price:$11.99
Today's Price:$8.55
ICANN fee:$.18
Extra Disc.:$2.14
Total Price:$6.59
Shipping & Han Continue reading "域名429006.com在GoDaddy使用优惠码续费成功"